試圖自己答複RFE,但有一事不明. RFE要求"Such evidence must include stamped passport pages that document your departure from the United States upon the completion of your J1 program.". 以前的過期護照早已不知所終, 所幸J1回國後一直在同一家公司工作. 有那家公司的工作經曆證明. 請教8老師, 這個工作經曆證明和工資單可以代替"stampednpassport pages"嗎?
-May not, but it is helpful. You may provide any evidence of your stay in China for two years at that period of time. Explain to USCIS that you lost your old passport and can not provide the stamp pages of the passport to show your entry into and departure from China.
似乎自己辦信心不足. 也許會試試請HR出麵要求增加資深律師審查/幫助現任律師的RFE回複. 盡量在不得罪人的前提下把事辦成. 我的這個想法可行嗎?
-Ask that company to provide any evidence of your stay in China. Because you lost the passport, the case becomes complicate. So, Discuss it carefully with your lawyer.