回複:謝謝您! 她父母也孩孑申請了。但是因為還在美國上學,父母給她延期麵試時間了。

因為現在父母被拒了,孩孑該怎麽做最保險呢? 是回國重新簽學生簽證呢,還是在美國辦理轉學校I20呢?有什麽好辦法幫幫孩孑呢?
-Then, he/she can get the new I-120 from the new school and do F-1 transfer (talk to these old and new schools and they will help him/her). He/she had better not leave US unless he/she get the H-1 after graduation. Otherwise, it is difficult for him/her to get the F-1 visa due to immigration intent.
