1. 我的H1B 2014 年9 月30 日到期,是不是說最早2015 年10月1日才能申請H1B (假設到時還有名額)? 看目前的狀況,2015 年10月1日多半名額已經用光,因此最早的可能是2016年4月, 而且到時拿到H1B 的話, 2016 年10月1 日是最早能開始工作的日子?
- From the clause "(B) When an alien in an H classification has spent the maximum allowable period of stay in the United States, a new petition under sections 101(a)(15)(H) or (L) of the Act may not be approved unless that alien has resided and been physically present outside the United States,....", my understanding is that when the H1B application reaches USCIS, your employer also has to submit the proof of your 1-Year stay outside US along with H1 application in order to get fresh 6 Year H1. If your employer files a new H-1 petition before you spend 1 Year outside US, the new 6-year H-1 petition may not be approved.
I also find the following from a lawyer's website, which is consistent with my understanding:
2. Readmission under H-1b classification following maximum period of employment
Following employment under H-1b classification for the maximum 6-year time period, alien beneficiary must remain outside the US for at least one year to re-qualify as beneficiary of a new H-1b petition. A US employer may not file a new petition on behalf of the beneficiary until this one year requirement has been completed.
2. ”for business or pleasure“ 具體怎麽解釋- 是說要用B1/B2 visa 嗎? 用H4 visa 可行嗎?
-Had better use B1/B2 visa. After you spend one year in China, you can apply for H-4 visa to enter US if the H-1 quote is not available;