多謝8 老師!請問哪裏可以看到相關文件?我不是很明白您的意思 - 是不是說離開6個月,回來美國住一個月, 然後再離開6個月,這樣能滿足條件重新申請H1B 了? 那如果分3次, 每次離開4個月,中間兩次回來住1個月可以嗎?
-What I mean is that you have to stay in China for one year, and if you occasionally visit US during this year for a very short time (e.g. one month), that will be fine (that month can not be counted for the time you stay in China). You can not live in China for two months, and then visit US for one month, and do it again and again (go and forth).