我剛剛收到我的綠卡,發現綠卡上的resident since時間比approval的時間早了五年,其它信息都正確,請問老師我的綠卡可以用嗎?還是需要做什麽? 謝謝!
-You need to file I-90 to get the replacement with correct information (send this incorrect card with I-90 filing). You don't need to pay I-90 filing fee.
我剛剛收到我的綠卡,發現綠卡上的resident since時間比approval的時間早了五年,其它信息都正確,請問老師我的綠卡可以用嗎?還是需要做什麽? 謝謝!
-You need to file I-90 to get the replacement with correct information (send this incorrect card with I-90 filing). You don't need to pay I-90 filing fee.
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