給父母辦綠卡遞交了130和485表. 最近收到797 approval notice. 都已經過去近一個月了, 仍然沒有綠卡的影子. 開始懷疑自己是否需要做點什麽. I-797 NOTICE says:
The above pieition has been approved. The orignal visa petition has been forwarded to the Department of States (DOS) Naitinal Visa Center... The petition indicated the person for whom you are petitioning (the beneficiary) whshes to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident in the United States. Becuase the petition was postmarked on or before April 30, 2001, the benefiary is elibibal to adjust status under sction 245(i)...
April 30, 2001...what is this date?
請大家指教. 多謝了.
I-797 for I-130 and I-485 concurrent filing
(63 bytes)
04/22/2014 postreply
回複:I-797 for I-130 and I-485 concurrent filing
(1021 bytes)
04/23/2014 postreply