8老師,實在是感激不盡你的熱心腸!解了我燃眉之急!6月份回美後我會繼續在A校,直到8月中旬轉到B校。那麽我的最佳選擇就是6月回來後再做A校到B校的transfer是吧?得寸進尺再接著請教:A校的J1到8月中結束,結束之後的一個月內在美都是合法居留的。如果J1 transfer 辦理時間較長,9月中才辦下來,那麽我的合法身份會有什麽問題嗎?
-J-1 transfer is very quick (normally a few days because it does not need USCIS approval). So, there must be no gap between the end date of activities at the current institution and the transfer date to the new sponsor. You need to report to the new employer/sponsor within 30 days after the transfer date. Talk to your current employer and the new employer about the J-1 transfer when you start to do it.