我的I-140已經批了,律師填 I-129延期 H-1B。其中有關於consulate processing的問題如下。請問我如果一直在美國,這裏需要填寫國內的領事館嗎?如果填寫了,不會造成consulate processing嗎?謝謝!
Part 4 Processing Information: If the beneficiary or beneficiaries named in part 3 is/are outside the United States or requested extension of stay or change of status cannot be granted, state the U.S. consulate or inspection facility you want notified if this petition is approved.
a. Type of Office: Consulate
b. Office Address
c. Beneficiary's Foreign Address
請問關於I-129 Consulate Processing
• 回複:請問關於I-129 Consulate Processing -python2012- ♂ (933 bytes) () 03/27/2014 postreply 09:29:06
• 謝謝! -punkaronnie- ♀ (0 bytes) () 03/27/2014 postreply 19:17:57