請教8先生, 有關F-1
1. 我的女兒是一名國際學生, 她的本科F-1簽證五月30日到期,她的OPT可以六月中旬開始嗎?
-Yes, but she needs to file OPT application in advance up to 90 days before she graduates or within 60 days after she graduates.
2. 如果不用OPT, F-1到期後, 她可以繼續呆在美國嗎?
-She only can stay in US for up to 60 days (F-1 grace period) if she does not apply for OPT nor apply for a new school.
3. 她八,九月進入法學院, 是不是一定要回來辦法學院的F-1? 可不可以在美國申請和辦理F-1?
-She can get the I-20 from a 法學院 and stay in US during the summer (not need to leave US), and then she can register the school in August/September 2014. She does not have to apply for OPT in this case.