Comparing to getting B1 orB1+B2, would you think it is easier or better that I just depart the US and surrender my I-94 before the termination of current employment on 2/28, and then come back to the US without a visa? As a Canadian, I don’t need a visa to enter into the US and I can stay for a short period of time legally, say a month or two.
My situation is that the new company only verbally accepted me. They have won a project, awaiting client’s Notice to Proceed. The common practice in my business is that they usually execute the actual hiring a few days before the NTP. I hope that the NTP will occur within a month.
Any advantage or disadvantage for entering the US without a visa, instead of getting a B1 or B2?
首先弄清楚身份(STATUS)和簽證(VISA)的區別. 身份(STATUS)是移民法專用詞,是CBP和移民局貼在住在美國的外國人身上的身份標簽,表現形式為I-94上的STATUS,和護照上的入境圖章上的STATUS. 簽證(VISA)是美國住外使領館給即將赴美國的外國人的進入美國的通行證,隻在入境時使用. 加拿大人入境時免簽證,但入境以後不能沒有合法身份.
有合法身份以後還要有就業許可才能工作. B1身份可以用於找工作時的麵試,但不能直接工作. 合法工作要有許可,比如說H-1B 的I-797(隻能在移民局辦理).TN 身份節省了就業許可這一步,直接在CBP辦理TN身份入境登記手序.
如果受雇新公司機率很低,以B1身份(或者家屬身份: H4,TD,L2,F2)留在美國便於繼續找工作.