1) 如前所述, 在她第一次赴美時, 她需要”bring both passports (visa stamp in Chinese passport and Canadian passport is valid”, 那麽入美海關處的Immigration Officer應該是把”入境戳”蓋在Canadian passport上吧,盡管Chinese passport有著visa stamp, 但它隻起到出示與解釋的作用,而不會用來在上麵蓋戳了,是這樣嗎?
-Probably the stamp will be put in the Chinese passport because the visa is there, but it does not affect the green card status, anyway.
2) 第一次赴美返加時, 在入加拿大海關處, 肯定隻出示加國護照, 就沒中國護照啥事了, 對吧?
3) 第二次赴美時(假設第一次在美國時已經拿到了綠卡), 那麽這次隻需要出示Canadian passport與green card, 沒有必要再帶上Chinese passport了, ”入境戳”自然是蓋在Canadian passport, 對吧?
-Correct. Had better wait to get the physical green card in US before returning to Canada, thus, just need to Canadian passport and the green card.