朋友長期在中國,有綠卡。每半年要來美國呆幾天,所以上次來申請了二年的 白皮書,之後又專門來美打指紋,打完指紋就回中國了。白皮書批下來寄到我家。我給她把白皮書經郵局寄回去,寄了快一個月了還沒收到,估計丟掉了。我去郵局查,郵局的人告訴我國際的priority mail無法跟蹤,我無法向朋友交代啊。以前我往國內寄同樣的信從沒丟過,我真後悔沒掛號。沒臉見朋友了。
-Your friend can return to US to file I-131 using her green card. But if your friend has stayed in China for > one year continuously, she can not use the green card to enter US to file I-131 for a new reentry permit application. In this case,, she needs to apply for the SB-1 visa to come back. See this website for SB-1 visa: