1 結婚後多久,她的綠卡申請可以起動?-You may file I-130 in about one to two months after marriage.
再問8老師:如果結婚後立刻file I-130 會有什麽負麵影響?
2。現在visa bulletin F2A排期是2013 年九月。隻是等兩個月。我有沒有理由合理推測,我未婚妻的I130 在明年二月提交後,也隻要等幾個月就可以交485?-Hard to say.
3。結婚後,並提交了I130後,我太太還能以B2回國一趟處理一下私人事務,並再以B2回美國嗎?-Very risky due to immigration intent.
另問8老師:如果結婚後,不file I-130,她還有這種risk 嗎?
4。我太太的I130 提交後,她能以B2的身份呆在美國等待嗎?-Yes until the B2 status/I-94 expires, but it is difficult for her to extend the B2 status due to immigration intent.
再問8老師:如果B-2沒有延期之前,我們file了I-485, 她還能繼續呆在美國 without B-2 status 嗎?
5. 婚妻將在春節以旅遊簽證赴美同我結婚。我有綠卡。然後她申請語言學校(它們給發i20).請問她呆在美國的這段時間,她的身份怎麽才能轉成F1?
-had better do it 2 to 3 months later after she enters US. Also she has to convince USCIS that she has no immigration intent, otherwise her F-1 will not be approved. So, she may change her status to F-1 first and marry you later (at least file the F-1 application first, then marry you). 並大概要多久啊?-3 to 6 months, case by case.