我申請的時候就交了我和我爸媽的出生公證 (我的是1996年在北京辦的,我爸媽的是2012年辦的)。但是移民局認為我已經交的出生公證是 “Notarial Certificate”,
-It seems this IO is very strict. Actually USCIS know most Chinese do have the original 出生證 like American, so 出生公證 is OK for Chinese to apply for the green card.
是 “secondary evidence",要我再交其他的“secondary evidence" support 以前的出生公證。
-If you have 戶口公證, that is good. But if you don't have it, you may just do the family relationship 公證 between you and your parents (do the some way as you/your parents did to get the 出生公證.