ask again J1》F1 or J1 student

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Thank you!Suggest,

I ave been a J1 scholar 2 years in US and my wife woked in US for two years.we are planing to move for an RA offer.The school asked me what kind of visa I am seeking, J1 or F1 student.It is hard to find an offical offer for my wife there.But if I change to F1,and my wife has to change to F4 without an offer, that she will not legally work in US. If I change to J1, she can apply for EAD and may easy to find a job, this is J1's advantage, but I don't know what could be the disadvanges in my case (if F1 visa issued to me is still subject to two years requirement, I am not waivered for my current J1)?
