本貼內容已被 [lucy2008liu] 在 2013-09-12 22:43:29 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
請教8 老師
Feb申請更換10年期綠卡(2003 got 10 years green card)
March 拿到申請號碼
April did fingerprint
Now is Sept almost 6 months On line checked status still on first step ------- Accept
(normal procesing time 3-5 months)
My co-worker(african)got it in 3 months
Why my case is so slow
What do I need to do any suggestion( no any crime history ,good job, still in marriage)
-You may call USCIS or visit the USCIS local office to check the case status. By the way, you can bring your I-90 filing receipt and passport to the USCIS local office to get the green card stamp and use this stamp to work or travel before you get the replacement of green card.