By the way, the questions the CBP officer asked and your answer to these questions is irrelevant to your wife's future immigration application. It is very normal just like everyone applies for a visa in the US Consulate and the VO also ask some questions. If your answer does not make the VO satified, they will not issue the visa to you.
Read this link for the following:
大凡有過美國簽證經曆的人,對“移民傾向(immigrant intent)”這個詞相信不會陌生。在申請F-1/2、B-1/2或J1/2簽證的時候,有人被拒簽,美國使領館會告知依據是INA 214(b)。美國移民法這裏指的是移民傾向。移民傾向有點像以前中國的“投機倒把罪”,是一個口袋罪, 什麽都可以往裏麵裝。 看著不順眼, 就可以動用這把尚方寶劍,把你哢嚓哢嚓。 INA214(b) 規定,任何申請美國非移民簽證的申請人,都被假設為具有移民傾向。隻有申請人證明自己沒有移民傾向之後,才能獲得非移民簽證;也隻有證明自己沒有移民傾向之後,才能進入美國。