我是J-2 從中國來美,幾年前去墨西哥美國領館獲得了F-1簽證,現在正在準備申請H-1B簽證。在我的J-2 Visa Stamp上有一個annotation: Principal Alien-Wang Zhiwei, P-1-5971. 在我的F-1 Visa Stamp上也有一個Annotation: 212(E) Applies-Per Wang, Zhiwei. J-1本人已回國居住3年多並且在廣州美領館已獲得移民簽證(現有綠卡)。
(1)我在美國辦了H-1B了,準備回國簽證,我能在上海美領館獲得H-1B visa stamp嗎?
-Technicallyy, you are not qualified for getting H-1, but it is still possible for you to get it because the VO may not check your history (if they check it, they will not issue the H-1 visa to you). So, it is risky.
-Very hard for you to get the J-2 waiver independently. For your case, as far as I known, the only possible way to get he J-2 waiver independently is to use "IGA" approach (if you are qualified for it) or use "Exceptional Hardship to a U.S. citizen (or lawful permanent resident) spouse or child of an exchange visitor". You may consult an immigration lawyer.
Check these websites for more details: