
回答: 急問!houhouma2013-08-19 08:10:06


!,現在要回國了.從費城飛芝加哥倒機再飛中國.請問他是直接去下個登記口呢還是要到前台辦什麽手續呀 (他問我護照是不是要叩戳兒)? 他買的是連票,行李不用取出來. 我回國都是選直飛,所以也不太清楚他這種情況... 
-Just show the passport and air ticket to the airlines when checking in
費城 Airport, and present the paper I-94 (if nay) to the airlines in  芝加哥 Airport when boarding the airplane. If he has no paper I-94 (there is not paper I-94 issued if he entered US recently), just show the entry/departure stamp (this stamp was done by the CBP officer when he entered US) on his passport to the airlines when he boarding the planes.