
The man I mentioned previously is very eloquent, even in English. He became an assistant professor first, publishing over 10 journal articles  and book chapters. That is possibly why he became officer-in-chief at one county school with such a HIGH salary. He knows American way of thinking.

If your cousin majors in accounting, there might be a good direction for her to go. PhD in accounting with starting salary of over $100,000 for assistant professor. However, many Chinese and Indians are rushing to this direction. Be careful--graduate as early as possilbe. In addition, please tell her to find a school with good ranking in accounting such that she can find a job easily. Maybe, let her purchase retirement benefits in China as a backup in case she fails here.

Last, it is not easy to find an American man to marry, either. Just imagine a lot of Americans also want good spouses. They marry trustworthy people as well. I have met a couple of Chinese ladies married to American men. Most of the hu*****ands are very honest, depending on the wife's income. 用中文講,他們人品非常好,但能力一般。Really depends on her luck.

With status, her life will be very hard here. She cannot focus on finding a hu*****and during her pursuit of PhD here (no time and energy to do that with coursework). Maybe, she would think that it is easier for her to find a Chinese man to marry back in China IF she really starts here.

Best luck
