485 Interview for EB2 Applicants

各位老師,請教一個問題。我們最近被通知485身份調整麵試, 很是擔心。 我們的485是2012年一月上交的,2012 年中,我和老公有一次爭執,他動手打了人,我打電話給警察,警察把他帶走了,後來District Attorney起訴老公,在我的再三懇求下,Court讓老公參加了Anger Management Classes, 在判決中把老公的Case降成了 Disorderly Conduct Ticket。  以下是法庭最後判決

The defendant was found guilty of the following charge(s) in this case:
Disorderly Conduct. This is not a criminal offense and results only in a money penalty for this offense. 

我也收到一封District Attorney的信,如下

The above named defendant appeared in court on December 21, 2012 for a review.  The defendant completed the required classes and the case was amended to A Disorderly Conduct ticket. The defendant was ordered to pay a fine in the amont of $150. 

Police Report 記錄了老公打人事實。 老師們有沒有碰到過這類案例,如果麵試被拒,可不可以上訴。請指教我們應如何在麵試中應對。多謝老師了。



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