In a post I sent last weekend I asked about the online payment to NVC. Thank 8 laoshi's reponse.
I paid online Monday and today (Wednesday) the status shows "Paid" which is a pretty quick process.
The good thing is I can print receipt in PDF. I can also email PDF receipt to my lawyer from NVC web site. However, the receipt doesn't have bar code, no case number, no invoice ID.
My lawyer said he will soon get a letter of notice with bar code from NVC. Only with the formal notice he can mail our physical documents to NVC.
The payment is for Consular Processing. I did receive a notice with case number, invoice ID and a bar code. I use these info for my payment.
My question is: What is that bar code for? Does it tie to my case or my invoice or both?
Is the PDF receipt a sufficient evidence of payment so I can inlcude it in my filing documents?
Many Thanks!
online payment receipt and bar code question
bar code 就是條型瑪
(98 bytes)
07/31/2013 postreply
回複:NVC是不是再寄封信給律師 來確認受到款?
(183 bytes)
07/31/2013 postreply
回複:online payment receipt and bar code question
(2050 bytes)
07/31/2013 postreply
回複: Excellent! Cover Sheet has the barcode!
(108 bytes)
07/31/2013 postreply