hi 8 老師
您好, 想請問美國公民在中國生孩子的身份問題
1) 如果是接受捐卵和捐精ivf的孩子應該怎麽申請護照? 都需要準備那些資料?
2) 如果是代孕的接受捐卵和捐精試管生出來的孩子 需要提供哪些資料申請護照?
-This is a interesting and complicate question. Based on my personal understanding, as long as the child's birth certificate has the US citizen's name as the parent, then the child automatically is a US citizen. Then, the parent can contact the US Embassy for the US citizenship acquisition and the passport application. You had better consult an immigration lawyer or contact the US Embassy for help.
See the following website for more information: