1. G325A中有一些地址,表格上是填不下的,需要另附紙。
-had better use abbreviation for some words and may not need too details for the address.
--表格中寫 see attachment, 然後把所有的地址信息,包括城市,國家都寫在所附紙上
--表格中地址欄寫see attachment, 城市等信息寫在表格裏,然後地址寫在所附紙上
2. I-130 Q19, 要填電話,這個是寫美國電話還是國內電話?
-It is outside US. If the relative is in US, may just leave it blank.
3. I-765和G-325A頁麵下方都是沒有BARCODE的嗎?
4. 想同時交這幾張表,記得有老師說過,不同表格是由不同的移民官來處理的,所以,是不是485,765和131 都另附一張紙,說明同時遞交表格,所以沒有receipt notice.
-Not need. Just address it in the I-485 cover letter such as "Enclose I-131 and I-765 filing", etc.
I am filing Form I-765 together with my Form I-485. Therefore, there is no copy of the receipt notice or other evidence that my Form I-485, Application For Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, is pending.