父親(有綠卡)為繼母申請的I-130。現I-485排期到。 要填經濟擔保。父親無收入。我聯合擔保(joint spnosor). 請問I-864 Part I 該怎麽填?
-Your father needs to file one I-864, and your need to file another separate I-864.
1)Part I 開始:I,(空格)中一定要填我父親的名字嗎?
-Yes. But you file your name in this part in your own I-864.
2)然後1a- 1f 中, 應選哪個?
-Your father needs to choose "1a" in his I-864; but you need to choose "1d" in your I-864. Thus, USCIS know you are the joint-sponsor and your father is the sponsor.
另外,我的信息究竟應填在哪兒?新I-864表好像joint sponsor該怎麽填不太清楚。請指教。多謝。