1。part 2 是爸爸,part 3 #2 要選嗎?
family member 1 要填媽媽嗎?
-No. Leave it blank.
若不填媽媽,part 3 #7 寫1?
2。part 5 #8 填 4 還是5?(我,spouse, 一個孩子,爸,媽)
-In Part 5 #6, enter "1" (your mother); and do the same in another I-864 for your mother). Thus, total household size in Part 5#8 is 5.
3。part 6 #13 填 joint return the gross income? 附帶稅表隻要1040 還是所有schedule 都要?
-Provide all of them.
4。想再填864A增加點實力,在864A part 2 #13 indicate number 是1 還是2?下麵的表格裏隻填父親或者母親一個人(各自有864A),還是填倆人?
-Your spouse needs to provide two I-864A, correspondent to your two I-864. So, put "one" there.