
來源: nick_martin 2013-05-05 20:01:23 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (23408 bytes)
下麵是我收到的EMAIL。 是不是廣州不會再寄出包裹了?

U.S. Consulate General 

#1 Shamian South Street 

Guangzhou, China  510133

Case Number: GUZXXX

Name  (P)  : XX,XXX

Preference Category: IR5 - CHIN


Traveling Applicants:

(P)  XX,XXX                       30 APR 19XX



IR, CR, IW, IB, K and SB1 visa applicants


Important: As of March 16, 2013, the U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou has implemented new visa application procedures. Under these new procedures, a number of services will be provided to visa applicants directly by our authorized partner, CGI Stanley. ALL applicants will need to register directly through CGI Stanley for visa interviews and passport delivery. Only those applicants who register through CGI Stanley will be able to receive their passport after their visa has been processed. Please follow the instructions below to schedule your visa interview appointment through CGI Stanley.

Dear Applicant, Petitioner, or Agent of record:

This office is ready to begin final processing of the immigrant visa applicant(s) named above in this case. Please follow these steps to schedule and prepare for your visa interview:

1.      Once you receive this notice, please visit http://ustraveldocs.com and register a document pick-up location by selecting the “Select Document Delivery Address” option in the Immigrant Visas section of the website. If you have already registered, you do not need to register again. Failure to register prior to your visa interview will result in delay of your visa application.

2.      Once registered, visit http://ustraveldocs.com and select “Schedule My Appointment” in the Immigrant Visas section of the website to schedule your visa interview appointment.

3.      Once you have scheduled your appointment, download the Immigrant Visa Instruction Packet (or K visa Instruction Packet for K visa applicants) and follow the instructions inside it to prepare the necessary documents for your visa interview. Instruction packets can be found by selecting “Prepare Documents” in the Immigrant Visas section of http://ustraveldocs.com.

4.      All applicants, regardless of age, must complete a medical exam and vaccination(s) with one of our designated panel physicians at least two weeks prior to the visa interview. (Please refer to the detailed instructions in the instruction packet.) Applicants must bring a copy of this letter with them to their medical exam.

5.      On the scheduled date and time, the applicant(s) should come to the Consulate with all required documents and a copy of this letter. Applicants who do not bring a copy of this letter may not be allowed into the consulate for their interview.

You must now register and schedule an appointment through CGI Stanley. Failure to follow these instructions will result in delay of your visa application.

Please do not reply to this email. Any replies sent will not be received. If you have any questions, please use the following web site to contact us:http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/immigrant-visa-unit-question.html.When communicating with our office about your case, please provide your name and case number exactly as shown in this letter.




Chief, Immigrant Visa Unit 


The Chinese translation for this appointment letter is as follows: 

IR, CR, IW, IB, K , SB1 類別的簽證申請人

重要通知 2013316日起, 美國駐廣州總領事館將實行移民簽證申請的新程序。在這些新程序下,一係列的簽證服務將由我們授權的合作夥伴CGI Stanley 提供給簽證申請人。所有申請人必須直接通過CGI Stanley進行安排簽證麵談時間以及登記文件送達地址, 隻有通過CGI Stanley登記的申請人才能在簽證批準之後收到他們的護照。請按照以下指引使用CGI Stanley提供的簽證服務網站安排你的簽證麵談時間。




1.      收到此通知後,所有簽證申請人必須立即登陸簽證申請服務網站http://ustraveldocs.com的移民簽證信息頁麵點擊“選擇文件送達地址”進行登記。如你已經在此網站登記,無須重複此步驟。未能在簽證麵談前登記將會對你的申請造成延誤。

2.      登記完成後,所有簽證申請人必須登陸同一網站選擇“安排約見時間”進行簽證麵談時間的預約。

3.      一旦你安排麵談時間後, 你必須從此網站上下載“移民簽證申請說明”包裹,(K類簽證申請應下載“K類簽證申請說明”),並務必仔細閱讀所有的相關信息,嚴格按照指引準備麵談所需的材料。簽證申請說明包裹可從網站http://ustraveldocs.com移民簽證信息頁麵的“準備資料”鏈接中下載。

4.      請注意, 所有移民簽證申請人,不論其年齡大小,均應在簽證麵談至少兩周前定的機構進體檢與接疫苗(詳見簽證說明包裹內指引)。請上述的申請人帶上此通知並在體檢時向體檢機構出示該通知。

5.      申請人應在安排好的麵談約見時間,帶上通知和麵談所需材料來到領事館。簽證談時未能夠示此信的請人將無法進入領事館麵談


請馬上通過CGI Stanley登記並預約你的簽證麵談。未能按照指引辦理將會對你的申請造成延誤。

請勿直接回複此電郵,因為我們無法收到任何對此電郵的回複。如果你有任何關於移民申請的問題, 請使用本館網站上的谘詢表格與我們聯係, 網址為:http://guangzhou.usembassy-china.org.cn/immigrant-visa-unit-question.html  在進行谘詢時請提供你正確的名字及檔案號碼。





This email is UNCLASSIFIED


回複:收到廣州領事館EMAIL關於母親移民簽證,問個問題? -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (738 bytes) () 05/06/2013 postreply 05:10:07

Thanks, Teacher 8. -nick_martin- 給 nick_martin 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 05/06/2013 postreply 19:23:43

哪位可以分享廣州新的網上預約的程序? -nick_martin- 給 nick_martin 發送悄悄話 (6 bytes) () 05/06/2013 postreply 20:20:14



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