EB1A是自己申請的,結果移民局把補充材料 的RFE信寄給了雇主,有誰經曆過這種事嗎?該如何處理?
-Ask the employer to give it to you (better) or contact USCIS by calling or visiting local office.
-Yes, but it if hard to predict when they will send it to you again.
EB1A是自己申請的,結果移民局把補充材料 的RFE信寄給了雇主,有誰經曆過這種事嗎?該如何處理?
-Ask the employer to give it to you (better) or contact USCIS by calling or visiting local office.
-Yes, but it if hard to predict when they will send it to you again.
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