
我的背景情況是這樣的:我是F1簽證,香港護照。老婆是F2中國護照。我現在是OPTOPT2-16-2013到期,也就是下個月。律師說在OPT到期後我還有60天的grace period,也就是說我大約可以合法居留到4-16-2013 我在去年9月底的時候fileI-526,現在還沒有消息。現在請問8老師、皮老師、michaelww1s老師、還有各位老師:

1、 我怎樣才能在不出境的情況下繼續合法居留???

-Have to change your status to another immigration status such as H-1. It may be difficult to get B1/B2 due to immigration intent. One possibility is to get the new I-20 to extend your F-1 in a new study program before your OPT expires (not grace period expires).Then, you rwife can extend her F-2. If you want to do this, you need to do it immediately wheh the new semester just begins. Talk to your school International Student Office. Because extending F1 status does not need USCIS approval, it is very possible for you to do that.

2、 有什麽辦法可以加急申請嗎?

-No, there is not premium processing for I-526 at this point because of the complexity of EB-5 cases, as well as concerns related to fraud.

3、 我本來想回國帶老婆重新簽B1/B2但是昨天我聽別人說我現在如果帶老婆回國簽旅遊簽證是不會批給她的,因為已經申請了移民類簽證。是這樣的嗎?

-I think so, too.

 4、 I-52620129月底遞交的,移民局1月份的時候說批到了20123月遞交的,一般來說我還要等多久?

-Normally it takes 8-9 months from the date you filed I-526.


謝啦!如果你能發出貼的話 告訴我一下哦

