回複:急問: 申請公民麵試要求帶state-issued driver's license

半年前從外州搬來加州, 三個月後申請了公民. 上個月收到了麵試通知. 今天又收到一封信如下:

Bring your state-issued driver's license or state-issued photo identification card.

我還沒有去換加州的駕照, 請問拿外州駕照能行嗎? 我的麵試是13天以後, 就算周一去考試換駕照也隻能拿個臨時駕照, 正式的肯定拿不到. 


-Bring your current ID (外州) and any evidence to prove that you are the resident of current state such as your rent lease, rent payment, your paycheck stub showing your state tax withholding, bank statement and insurance, etc, whowing yoru current living address.
