回複:請教8老師:I-94 日期問題

回答: 請教8老師:I-94 日期問題左手摸右手2012-11-19 18:18:34

8老師你好,上次向你討教過的問題:我8月回國反美入境時,機場的CBP官員在我的I-94上給的有效期至今年9月(我去年回國美使館給的簽證有效期),而不是我H4上的2013年9月。按您的建議去了當地的 CBP的 Differred Inspection Site 改正,但裏邊的官員不給辦, 還說要填I-539通過郵寄方式辦理。我的問題是:

1。是不是 CBP的 local Differred Inspection Site 裏邊的官員也搞錯了process?

2。I-94 上的錯誤有效期已經過期,會不會有非法滯留問題

-I told you to bring your spouse's H-1 approval notice with H-1 I-94 to ask the CBP Deferred Inspection officer to fix it, not use your H-4 approval notice. Did you do that? You may go there again to address your H-4 I-94 should have been consistent with your spouse's H-1 I-94 duration. So, the IO at the port of entry made a mistake to issue your H4 I-94 duration based on your H-4 visa expiration date and thus, it was complately wrong.

If they still can not fix it to you, you may go to the port of entry to fix it. Find a port of entry at this website:




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