回複:N400 - Communist Party

回答: N400 - Communist Partyflyeagle_abcd2012-11-17 20:01:29

我在到美國以前是中國共產黨黨員。 出國好長時間了, 這期間沒有過任何黨的活動。 估計早已經被退黨了。

現在在申請加入美國國籍。 N400表有一項:

Have you ever been a member of Communist Party?

應該填yes or no?

-Say "Yes" and write a letter to explain why you joined the Party and said you have gave up the membership such as not pay the membership fee, etc. as you did for your green card application. Yopu can google to find some sample letter about this issue.


回複:回複:N400 - Communist Party -flyeagle_abcd- 給 flyeagle_abcd 發送悄悄話 (253 bytes) () 11/18/2012 postreply 10:18:35
