
情況如此:星期一被雷,星期二就來了另一個offer,趕緊簽了發回去。H1b 上的I-94到明年底到期。

8老師和其他許多人都講問題不大,不需到鄰國或回國激活。可是我遇人不淑,知道要來另個工作後,試圖同老板商量可不可以完兩天雷,不發工資,工作簽證申請一交上就通知他,讓他雷, 他不肯,他是外國人,知道身份問題,故意的。以此看,他很可能在我一被雷就通知了移民局。

-USCIS may take sometimes to process his request for H1 withdrawal, so ask your new employer to file the H1 as soon as possible so that you may not need to get the h1 visa outside US.


1。 激活必需在多長時間內完成?拿到新 approval notice 一個月內?

-No time limit, but the sooner the better for you to get the H1 visa.

2。 下一家要求雇員必須用他們指定的律師,有人講申請工作簽證時要交上前一雇主的release form. 我要不要把我的情況對律師講明?

-Not need 前一雇主的release form, but need your latest 3 month paycheck stubs.


-Don't see a problem.


-Irrelevant for H1 visa.

4。如果拿到I-797C 該如何辦?到時我可能在國內,同美國律師聯係有點難。

-Contact your HR and ask HR to mail you the H-1 approval documents. You also need the job offer letter  andthe copy of the H1 application document (i.e. I-129 with LCA approval and prevail wage determination) for the H1 visa application.

另外,我準備申請綠卡,交上I-140表後,孩子就可受益,如學費等。但如果我中途想徹底回國, 取消申請,對孩子將來申請綠卡,H簽證有影響嗎?


