回複:急問: 關於 I-539 approval notice 及其他問題

I-539 approval notice 和H1-B approval notice 是一回事嗎?因為我當時用的是加急,H1-B 沒到手,就drove上了路,沒記得收到H1-B approval notice (很可能到了原來的地址, we didn't move into our current apt until 15 days later)。 有I-129 receipt notice. 該怎麽辦?

-You will never receive the H-1 receipt or approval notice, but your employer/lawyer will, so ask your employer (HR) or lawyer to give you a copy.

Although I signed a tentative offer, it needs to be finalized by the upper level division. To prepare for the worst, I am filling out I-539 form, applying for B visa. Some questions on I-539 form with my previous application of H1-B:

What should I fill in for:

(1). part 2, Q2: "Is this application based on the extention of COS already granted to your spouse, child or parent?"

(2). Part 2, Q3: "Is this application based on the separate application to give your spouse, child or parent an extension or COS?

(3) Should I include my 17-yr old kid as a co-applicant?

Thanks a lot for your help. Really appreciate that
