
回答: 切換身份的問題tiredofjobhunting2012-10-05 16:14:06

I am holding 工作簽證 and am losing my job. My I-94 expires at the end of 2013.  People recommend my applying for B visa to keep my status. I have a few questions:

 1). If B is approved and I get my job later, is it bothersome to get H-visa again? How long does it usually take? - Processing Dates

 2).  After I-539 form is submitted to immigration bureau, is our status legal automatically - Yes, “合法身份”與“合法停留”

 3Should my kid (a dependent) apply for B visa? Is it better for him to apply for F-1? Or we don't need to do anything with him? - Your family members' depedent status will also be invalid upon your status is gone invalid, automatically.



回複:回複:切換身份的問題 -tiredofjobhunting- 給 tiredofjobhunting 發送悄悄話 (106 bytes) () 10/05/2012 postreply 21:16:25
