10年前和室友吵架, 被警察抓去,然後又被保釋出來,之後我也經曆過簽證,轉學,找工作,都沒有什麽問題 ,不知道這事情會不會影響綠卡的申請.
-No. Explian the case and provide the related documents such as police report, court decision (if any), etc.when you file I-485 in the future.
10年前和室友吵架, 被警察抓去,然後又被保釋出來,之後我也經曆過簽證,轉學,找工作,都沒有什麽問題 ,不知道這事情會不會影響綠卡的申請.
-No. Explian the case and provide the related documents such as police report, court decision (if any), etc.when you file I-485 in the future.
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