
回答: 請教8老師,皮老師gclw2012-08-17 16:17:47

當前用H1B(該H1B是從A公司 transfer 過來的)在B公司工作且485 pending(485申請是基於B公司的I-140). 因原在A公司的H1B尚未過期,A公司希望我給他們part-time工作.請問我可否用這兩個H1B同時做一份full-time和一份part-time工作?

-Yes, but technically, the Company A needs to file an H1 amendment to change your full-time H1 to part-time H1 if you do not want to use EAD. Of course, if you just waork for Company A for one to two months, may not need to file the H1 amendment.

