據孩子說她入關的的時候把綠卡給邊境官看了,而且還向官員解釋她這次回來是辦reentry permit的。我們去年10月份拿到綠卡,雖然孩子回美國幾次,但呆的時間很短,總共不超兩個星期。這次邊境官在護照上加蓋WT和滯留時間,是不是意味綠卡無效了呢?
-It should not affect the green card validity. But I still suggest you child to go to teh CBP Deferred Inspection Office to fix it because I think it is possible that 邊境官 is very inexpereinced and would have mixed up your child case. It is easy for your child to go to the Deferred Insepction Office, right?