
回答: 請教各位老師:父母申請綠卡hellopanda2012-07-19 12:08:37

我明年初綠卡及即將滿5年,想入籍後立即給父母辦綠卡。我的父母過去幾年來美多次,出入境記錄良好。現在因為種種原因,希望一直能留到明年綠卡辦好(或者 有了AP)再離境。可能中間也就幾個月gap。聽說過周圍幾家父母由黑洗白都沒有問題,但也聽說移民政策近年來愈發趨緊,


想請各位老師證實,如果有幾個月 的gap申請綠卡會有問題麽?

-No problem. The only issue is that if there is any accident related to them (e.g. car accident) that the police is involved to find that they illegally stay, that will be a problem. Of course, the possibility for this kind of thing is very small and thus, you do not need to worry about it, but just be careful a little bit. 


