我兒子要幫他妹妹辦移民,他妹妹是我前夫和現在的老婆所生的.在要交的材料中有一個是:"If you and your brother or sister have a common father but different mothers, submit copies of the marriage certificates of the father to each mother and copies of documents showing that any prior marriages of either your father or mothers were legally terminated." 問題是:我兒子要交我和我前夫的結婚公證和離婚公證嗎? 或隻交我和我前夫的離婚公證? 謝謝!
- How could you translate "and" to "或"?
-Yes based on what you describe here. he also needs top provide the 結婚公證 of his father and his step-mother (his sister's mother).
-If you still have your marriage to your son's father, just ask one of your friends to translate it into English and then, go to the bank to notarize your friend's signature. Your friend needs to write a statement in the translation version that he/she knows both Chinese and English very well. Then, provide the photocopy of your original marriage certificate (Chinese version) and the English translation version.