回複:485 pending 打指紋問題,謝謝

回答: 485 pending 打指紋問題,謝謝luck992012-07-15 11:03:25

485 pending,以前都是基本上一年要去打指紋一次,這一次已經一年半了 (~17個月了)也沒有打指紋的通知,想問一下過來人,是等還是聯係USCIS?

-If you have done the biometric before, normally USCIS will not ask you to do it again. Unless USCIS send you the notice to do it again, you do not need to bother USCIS in this issue.


回複:回複:485 pending 打指紋問題,謝謝 -luck99- 給 luck99 發送悄悄話 (24 bytes) () 07/15/2012 postreply 22:47:40
