
本人目前還是H1B 身份,上個月底和有公民身份的未婚夫在美國結了婚。我和老公打算7月底遞交配偶綠卡申請。  我以前在中國有婚史,7年前離了婚。有一個問題想請教各位大俠,I-130表要求提供divorce paper, 但我去年回國的時侯拿著當時的離婚證到公證處去開證明,公證處開的證明和離婚證上的內容並不一致, 隻是證明我在他們地區從當時的離婚日到他們開公證的日期為止沒有再婚姻紀錄。中國公證處說這是他們的統一格式針對無再婚紀錄。 我在想這個公證是否會被審材料的移民官接受?也許我應該拿著那個綠色的離婚證找certified translator 做翻譯,用這個提交。 請各位大俠建議

-I would suggest you to ask one of your friends to translate離婚證 into Englsih and then, go the bank to notarize your friend's signature. Then, provide the photocopy of the original 離婚證 and the translation version for your green card application. Your friend needs to write a statement in the translation version that he/she knows both Chinese and English well. You can also provide the copy of the公證處開的證明.


回複:回複:請教結婚申請綠卡但以前在國內有婚史 -Swimlover2006- 給 Swimlover2006 發送悄悄話 Swimlover2006 的博客首頁 (21 bytes) () 06/28/2012 postreply 06:31:29
