回複:請問兩位大師, 有朋友想請我老公做他姐妹的移民副擔保人,想知道對我們家庭有什麽風險嗎?


-Technically, yes. Your hu*****and needs to support the beneficial financially based on the law if the beneficial goes to the court to request it. This responsibility will end when his sister gets the US citizenship. But if your friend is very good person who you can trust, his sister may not give you trouble (as I know, many Chinese people will not bother the co-sponsor after they enter US) and thus, your hu*****and may just help them. Up to you, anyway.


謝謝 -linda68- 給 linda68 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2012 postreply 07:29:15
