回複:回複:有些迷惑,兼提醒一下,863211你是不是答錯了?——回複:回複:回複:回複:求教8老師:About using E


Mine is EAD/AP combo card. One more question. Do I have to get the new I-94 (parolee I-94) before my H1B I-94 expires?

-Yes, if you use the AP/EAD combo to travel to China, etc. You need to submit the H1 I-94 to the airlines when you leave US as everyone does and get the new I-94 (parolee I-94) when you come back.


-Do you mean he does not need to get the new I-94 when he come back from China using AP? If so, your understanding is incorrect. When a non-immigrant leaves US (for China,for example), he needs to submit the I-94 to the airlines (CBP) (his non-immigration status ends). When he reenter US, he will get a new I-94 (get a new status). For example, if he use H1 visa, his I-94/status will be H1; and if he uses AP to enter US, his I-94/status will be Parolee

〉〉 〉〉你說的是對的。我也不是那個意思。我隻是理解原帖作者的本意是想問——他是否必須在他原來的H1-B的I-94過期之前,(離境再入境一次)得到新的(Parolee)I-94?所以我認為針對他問題的回答應該是“No”,你認為呢?






