回複:請教各位老師 F-1變成綠卡 報2011稅 IRS現要求補報form 8854?

今年3月從F-1變成綠卡,報2011的稅使用form 1040NR-EZ,中間如實回答了是否申請綠卡等問題,同時寫明從3月26號開始身份從F-1變成綠卡

-Why did you tell IRS you got the green card this March? It is irrelevant to your 2011 tax return filing, doesn't it?

今天收到IRS一封信,說our records indicate that you may be required to file Form 8854, initial and annual expatriation statement


-I have never heard the green card holder need to file that form and I think USCIS was just confused about you. I just checked IRS website and found that this form applys to US citizens only:

"Expatriation tax provisions apply to U.S. citizens who have relinquished their citizenship and long-term residents who have ended their residency (expatriated). Form 8854 is used by individuals who have expatriated on or after June 4, 2004."




