8老師,我在國內是牙醫,現在做口腔生物的postdoc researcher,持h1b. niw 140 已經批了,準備馬上遞交eb1a 140。但是我3個月開始住院醫,由於遞交過140,不能拿到f1, 再由於住院醫沒有工資學校不提供h1b,但同意我以h4的身份開始。
為了遞交485, 我想問一下住院醫結束後需要找是什麽樣的工作來支持。
1)學校的full time falcuty?
需要title一定是XX prfessor之類嗎?
-No specific title required. As long as it is full-time and renewable job (the job does not have specific term and you expect to be employer continually), then you will be OK.
2) 學校的part time faculty 或 volunteered adjunt faculty, 加醫院的part time practice?