
回答: 請教8老師和pjiang老師以及版上daxia們imagineer2012-04-21 20:39:47

EB1B, 140已經批準,485 剛交上去,還沒有EAD/AP, 被 lay off,separation date在兩個月之後。公司已經說明不會withdraw 140和 485. 已經拜讀過pjiang老師的博客(http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/14332/200711 /37365.html)和版上的相關回複,還是有幾個疑問。多謝!

1. 已經有其他工作的offer, 可以做h1b transfer了嗎?還是盡量往後拖到separation date附近做transfer更安全些?到那時候如果有EAD了,用EAD工作更保險嗎?

-It is hard to say the H1 transfer will result in RFE though some people think that way because the I-485 and H1 transfer are processed by different IO. However, because your EB1B PD is current, USCIS may check your employment status any time during the I-485 processing. If you get the RFE, you had better have a job or job offer no matter whether your I-485 pending is less than 180 days.

2. 做h1b transfer的話, 審查485的IO能看到嗎?會不會因此而拒絕485的申請?我的理解是,485 pending,做h1b transfer到相同領域的公司,是安全的。不知道對不對。



-Yes. The IO follows some common principles. The following links are my responses to the simliar question as yours:




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