孩子在美國和中國出入境時應該分別出示哪個證件? 同時出示兩個證件會不會有麻煩?越想越糊塗,請有經驗的指教。多謝!
-Onlt need to show the 旅行證 to enter China and only use it to go out of China also. Then, only use the US passport to enter US.
孩子在美國和中國出入境時應該分別出示哪個證件? 同時出示兩個證件會不會有麻煩?越想越糊塗,請有經驗的指教。多謝!
-Onlt need to show the 旅行證 to enter China and only use it to go out of China also. Then, only use the US passport to enter US.
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