
mother happened to be in US at time of RFE.



I, XXX, wife of YYY, solemnly state and confirm hereunder:

·         I was born in XChina on XXXX. I got married to YYY on XXXX. I am the mother of AAA and YYY is his/her father.

·         A was born on XXXX at XXXXXXXX in XX province, China.

·         I have known A since his/her birth.

Signature: _____________

Date: _____________



State of 

County of  


I, _________________, a Notary Public in and for the jurisdiction aforesaid, do hereby 
certify that ____________________, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, has acknowledged the same before me this _____ day of ___________, 2012.





Name Of Notary: ______________


                    Title: _____________


Signature of Notary: _____________

My commission expires: __________                                         Notary Seal


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