Witness Letters: The Right Kind Can Do a World of Good
In the cases reviewed, the right kind of witness letter went a long way in swaying the AAO in the petitioner’s favor. The research associate in etymology submitted an effective witness letter for his petition. The letter was from a recognized expert in the field who had few ties to the petitioner; was specific about the petitioner’s past accomplishments; and discussed the potential future benefits of the petitioner’s work not at the expense of his past accomplishments, but as a continuation of them.
The successful appeal by the Ph.D. candidate in cancer pharmacology also highlights the importance of good witness letters. In fact, no other submitted evidence was discussed in the decision. In granting the petitioner an NIW, the AAO found:
we are persuaded that the petitioner’s work has made a significant impression not only on his mentors and collaborators, but also on independent researchers throughout the country. The reaction of these independent researchers goes beyond mere praise, indicating recognition of the petitioner’s work as having substantial significance.
Successful witness letters are strongly worded, specific, and come from recognized experts in the field. As the reviewed cases demonstrate, they can be extremely influential. Of the five successful appeals reviewed, three were carried almost exclusively by the strength of the witness letters submitted.
Extraordinary Ability Arguments are Occasionally Convincing
In its discussion of evidence presented to demonstrate measurable influence, the AAO focused primarily on the issues already outlined. However, it did consider other forms of evidence, such as awards and publications about the petitioner. Generally, the AAO found evidence that would normally be associated with an extraordinary ability visa petition to be a moderately convincing part, but not a necessary part, of a national interest waiver petition.